
VY_PIWOSA Women in Wine

We’re pleased to share that Thembeka Njena, one of our restaurant staff, recently completed her WSET Global Level 1 exam, and passed with flying colours. She was kindly sponsored by one of our wine partners, Klein Constantia, as part of the PIWOSA (Premium Independent Wineries of South Africa’s) Women in Wine initiative.

This upliftment initiative consists of a local and international programme. The international programme involves the sponsorship of deserving women involved in the wine industry internationally to visit the Cape Winelands and partake in the harvest.

Participating farms sponsor and host a candidate who will be with them for between six to eight weeks. We selected Thembeka to be part of the programme because of her natural curiosity and keen interest in food and wine. Says Thembeka: “I love learning about food and wine pairings as I’d really like to be a Sommelier someday.”